
Porthcurnick - Year 3

Welcome to Porthcurnick Class


Our class teacher is Mr Sevier and our teaching assistant is Mrs Grayston.    

  • Spellings are sent out every half term and tested every Friday - see copies of Year 3 spellings below.  
  • Reading Records will be collected every Thursday.  
  • P.E will be taught on Monday afternoons. Please ensure that P.E kit (clearly labelled) is in school all week and that children have trainers and warm clothing for outside.  
  • Your child has a login to TimesTablesRockstars to support their learning.  It is essential times tables are practised regularly -  a lack of recall is a barrier to their mathematical progress.  Year 3 are expected to know their 3x 4x 8x (in addition to 2x, 5x, 10x learned in Year 2).

If you have any queries, please feel free to email me: esevier@tregonyschool.co.uk

Knowledge Organisers
Recommended Reads